In the beginning it was almost peaceful. The gentle white surrounding me was actually quite soothing. At the very first, I had been exhausted, worn out, drained; but that soon left me. Then as the time wore on , the incessant quiet began to grate on my nerves. The dead silence was unnerving. I couldn’t even hear the beating of my own heart. It was as if nothing existed. There was only me and the infernal prison I was forced into unwillingly.
Soon, it became more than just unnerving. It became maddening. Being confined only to your own head is a nightmare you don’t even consider a nightmare until it has happened.
Floating in the seemingly never-ending nothingness, suicidal thoughts develop in your head. I had imagined so many ways I could die, and wished for them to happen. When you can’t even follow through with your desperately hatched plans, you feel yourself teeter on the edge of sanity. I was standing on the brink of this cliff when the cursed prism that had held me prisoner for so long-
Check back soon for more of this story!
Thanks for spending time on the computer (wntriig) so others don’t have to.
If you wrote an article about life we’d all reach entnnhlegmeit.